It’s a well-known fact that eating local, and eating seasonal, is the best way to eat – for your wallet, your body, and your skin! But knowing what’s seasonal is tricky, especially in winter! So we at [re]fresh pulled together and found a short list of the top seasonal foods and picked out the best ones for your skin to help get your through winter!
Winter is probably the most ridiculous to try and shop seasonally for, at least on the surface. But stick with this list, and your skin will thank you!
Citrus Fruits!
Citrus fruits, like oranges and lemons, are in season and ready to ripe usually between October and March. And if there’s any doubt that citrus fruits are good for your skin, check out our Fruit Acid 15% Gel Peel with Kojic.
Carrots are a great addition to your diet during the colder months. It’s packed with vitamin C, which is great for your skin and great for your health overall.
Avocados are one of the few foods that are actually “not seasonal” that we’ll tack onto this list. Avocados are an all-seasons fruit, and they’re amazing for your skin. They’re packed with vitamin E, which is perfect for keeping your skin youthful. And if you want to be a little bit extra about it, mash them up and use them as a mask! (Guacamole doesn’t count though.)
Olive Oil
Olives are really a November and fall season food, but that makes them perfect in winter to become olive oil. Olive oil is full of antioxidants that boost our skins natural collagen production.
Oh, and here’s a bonus one!
Water is an all season liquid. Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you should neglect your water intake. Keep up with your water intake, your 8 oz 8 times a day and you’ll keep your skin feeling fresh and glowing!